Thursday, May 8, 2008

Chapter Six: Is the weather good for fishing

Answer the question after you read the chapter.

Q: Why were Annamarie and Mama scared of what Kirsti would she would say to the soilders.

Now that you've answered come up with a question of your own. Challenge your friends and see if they can get it right!


Anonymous said...

Because Kirsti tells averything to everyone!

-Kirsten ..........

Anonymous said...

because Kirsti is
a blaber mouth


Anonymous said...

Because Kirsti doesn't keep her big mouth shut,so she tells everyone everything.

Anonymous said...

Because kirsti blurts out anything u tell her to the whole world!!!

- KyLe NiCkEl

Anonymous said...

because kirsti tells anything to nyone and thier afraid that she will tell the soildiers something that they don't want her to.


Anonymous said...

Because Kristy can not keep big trap shut.